Friday, December 9, 2011

Working Committee Meeting on 11.12.2011

Tamluk Divisional Branch
Dak Karmee Bhawan, PO Tamluk-721636, Dist. Purba Medinipur
NFPE-TMK-Divl. WC dated 05-12-2011


It is here by notified that an urgent joint meeting of the working committees of AIPEDEU, AIPEU, Gr-C, AIPEU, Postmen, MSE & Gr-D and PWU, Tamluk Divisional Branches will be held on 11-12-2011 Sunday at 10-00 hours to discuss over the following agenda. All Office-bearers, members of the working committees and invitees are requested to be present in the meeting in time positively.

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last working committee.
2. Reporting of Circle Conference held at Kalyani from 16.10.11 to 19.10.11.
3. Reporting of AIC of AIPEU,Postmen,MSE&Gr-D held at
4. Collection of Fund & dues of Patrika
5. Divisional Problem.
6. Building
7. Miscellaneous with permission of the chair.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (G.Ghosh)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

Copy to:
All OB, WCM, Invitees of Tamluk Divl. Branches.
All Circle Secretary, P-III /P-IV /AIPEDEU, PWU,WB Circle & invitees.
All Advisers : Com TK Sarkar, Com Pankaj Das, Com Arjun Sahoo
Dist Secy, CGCC, Purba Medinipur, Convenors, 12th July Committee, Purba Medinipur.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (G.Ghosh)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

** Meal will be arranged from 10:00 Hrs to 11:00 Hrs **

Working Committee Meeting on 11.12.2011

Tamluk Divisional Branch
Dak Karmee Bhawan, PO Tamluk-721636, Dist. Purba Medinipur
NFPE-TMK-Divl. WC dated 05-12-2011


It is here by notified that an urgent joint meeting of the working committees of AIPEDEU, AIPEU, Gr-C, AIPEU, Postmen, MSE & Gr-D and PWU, Tamluk Divisional Branches will be held on 11-12-2011 Sunday at 10-00 hours to discuss over the following agenda. All Office-bearers, members of the working committees and invitees are requested to be present in the meeting in time positively.

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last working committee.
2. Reporting of Circle Conference held at Kalyani from 16.10.11 to 19.10.11.
3. Reporting of AIC of AIPEU,Postmen,MSE&Gr-D held at
4. Collection of Fund & dues of Patrika
5. Divisional Problem.
6. Building
7. Miscellaneous with permission of the chair.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (G.Ghosh)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

Copy to:
All OB, WCM, Invitees of Tamluk Divl. Branches.
All Circle Secretary, P-III /P-IV /AIPEDEU, PWU,WB Circle & invitees.
All Advisers : Com TK Sarkar, Com Pankaj Das, Com Arjun Sahoo
Dist Secy, CGCC, Purba Medinipur, Convenors, 12th July Committee, Purba Medinipur.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (G.Ghosh)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

** Meal will be arranged from 10:00 Hrs to 11:00 Hrs **

Saturday, October 8, 2011

D.A. arrear paid

order for payment of D.A at revised rate has already been released by the DTE and published in web site. But APM,Accounts refused to draw the bill despite the order of the DDO(PM,Tamluk). He asked for the forwarding letter of the SPOs. Our union protested the matter. We insisted the PM for making payment of DA arrear and put pressure on the SPOs that in the modern age there is no necessity that the order should be received by POST.
At last our demand has been fulfilled. PM ordered the APM,Accounts again to draw the bill today itself. The staffs of Tamluk H.O got the arrear bill and the staffs of SOs will get it on Monday.


Friday, September 23, 2011


Central Govt declared Productivity Linked Bonus for 60 days.
Therefore our Departmental Employees will get Bonus of Rs.6908-
and GDS Employees will get -Rs.4934-.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Recent Developments

1. MIS incentive Bill of Kismat Bajkul- the bills are sanctioned, drawn & disbursed on 21.09.11

2. Smt Shamita Maity has been retransferred & posted at Mecheda S.O.

Recent letters to SPOs

NFPE-TMK-Divl-Misc dated 17-9-2011

Shri R. Mukherjee
Supdt of Post Offcies
Tamluk Division, PO Tamluk-721636

Sub: Clear all dues before Puja.

Dear Sir,

Various financials dues like MIS Incentive bill, SB Allowance, TA Bill, PLI/RPLI Incentive Bill, Treasury allowance, Cash Handling allowance, OTA bills, Combined duty allowance, cycle allowance ,washing allowance etc are lying pending at your office and Head Post Office.

You are therefore requested kindly to clear / sanction all the dues before Durga Puja, the Grand Festival.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

No- NFP-3/Misc/Corr/TMK dtd 13.9.11
Sri Ratan Mukherjee
Superintendent of Post Offices
Tamluk Division, PO- Tamluk

Subject: Immediate issue of Training order.
Dear Sir,
Some of our GDS officials were selected as PA vide your memo no-B-4(A)/GDS/PA/TMK/10 dated 11.102010 & directed to undergo 55days induction training course from 28.03.2011 to 21.05.2011 at PTC, Vadodara vide your memo no-B-23/trg/outsider/tmk/11 dated 15.03.2011. Due to some reason the said training order was cancelled. We have wrote you several times regarding this subject.
It is learnt that recently CPMG,WB Circle intimated that the recruitment of the GDS officials of this Division is valid and further processing for their training may be initiated.
This union , therefore, urge upon you kindly to take an urgent necessary action for In-house/ Practical training of the GDS officials so that they can join as Postal Assistant at earliest.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,


Copy to:-

1. Com. Janardan Majumdar,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,Gr-C for information.
2. Com Bijon Roy,Com Surya Kanta Pramanik,Com Giridhari Rana for information.


No- NFP-3/Misc/Corr/TMK /1 dtd 12.9.11
Sri Ratan Mukherjee
Superintendent of Post Offices
Tamluk Division, PO- Tamluk

Subject: Irregular officiating arrangement in the post of APM, Accounts Br.
Dear Sir,
It is learnt that Sri Dipak Kumar Goswami , PA, Tamluk H.O has been ordered to officiate in the post of APM, Accounts Br during the leave period of Sri Narayan Ch Sadhya. The order is quite irregular as there are many seniors to Sri Goswami is available at Tamluk H.O. It is also mentioned here that the APM,Accounts is now general line. This type of order is quite insulting to the senior officials.
This union therefore urge upon you kindly to change the order immediately.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,


Copy to:-

Com. Janardan Majumdar,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,Gr-C for information.


No- NFP-3/Misc/Corr/TMK dtd 12.9.11
Sri Ratan Mukherjee
Superintendent of Post Offices
Tamluk Division, PO- Tamluk

Subject: Non sanction of MIS incentive Bill – case of Kismat Bajkul
Dear Sir,
It is seen that some MIS incentive bills are sanctioned from your office in two spell. But sorry to intimate that the MIS Incentive Bills of Kismat Bajkul S.O are kept pending since September 2009, no bill of the said office has been sanctioned from your office. It is noted here that the concerned official regularly submitted MIS Incentive Bills since the period mentioned earlier on the very first week of each month. We have repeatedly asked you regarding the matter but no fruitful result has been seen.
You are therefore requested again kindly to sanction the MIS Incentive Bills of Kismat Bajkul S.O without any further delay.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,


Copy to:-
1) Com.Susanta Paul,SPM,Kismat Bajkul for information


NFP-4-TMK-Conf dated 12-9-2011

Sri Ratan Mukherjee
Superintendent of Post Offices
Tamluk Division, PO- Tamluk

Dear Sir,
24th All India Conference of this union will be held at Vaishnav Dharmashala Bhatt Bavdi Road Pushkar(Ajmer) Rajasthan from 25th to 27th Sptember,2011. Following office bearers of our Divisional Branch will attend the said conference.
1. Shri Pulin Behari Mondal, O/S(Mail),Mahishadal Sub Dn and Divl. Secretary
2. Shri Krishna Pada Maity Gr-D,Tamluk and Asstt Treasurer

Therefore, you are requested kindly to grant special casual leave to the above officials from 22.09.2011 to 01.10.11 excluding Sundays & holidays so that they may attend the said conference in time.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Pulin Behari Mondal)

No- NFP-3/Misc/Corr/TMK /4 dtd 10.9.11
Sri Ratan Mukherjee
Superintendent of Post Offices
Tamluk Division, PO- Tamluk

Subject: Transfer of Nandita Kamila (P.A Tamluk HO)
Dear Sir,
It is learnt that Smt Nandita Kamila, PA.Tamluk HO is now pregnant. Her doctor advised her to avoid any sort of journey by bus as that may be threat for her pregnancy . But she has to travel a long way near about 2 ½ Hrs by Bus to reach her present office of posting regularly from her residence at Vill-Battala, P.O- Tajpur , P.S-Nandigram as her husband is also a serviceman and posted at Nandigram. This type of regular journey may cause severe problem at this stage. It is learned that the official has already been applied for her transfer to the nearest office from her location.
In this circumstance this union urge upon you kindly to transfer Smt Kamila at Nandigram SO (nearest office from her residence )at earliest.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

Copy to:-
1) Com. Janardan Majumdar,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,Gr-C for information.
2) Com.Nandita Kamila,PA,Tamluk for information w.r.t her letter dtd 10/09/2011..


No- NFP-3/Misc/Corr/TMK dtd 10.9.11
Sri Ratan Mukherjee
Superintendent of Post Offices
Tamluk Division, PO- Tamluk

Subject: Implementation of Rotational transfer memo at Mahishadal S.O.
Dear Sir,
It is intimated that Mahishadal SO is fully computerised and Project Arrow SO .All item of work are done in computer .Sri Maheswar Hansda and Sri Bharat Barman have been transferred and posted from Mahishadal SO.Both of them are computer hand .Not only that but also Sri Bharat Barman is now working as System Assistent of Mahishadal SO.Sri Maheswar Hansda has already been relieved on 01/09/2011 .
It is learnt that two officials who are posted at Mahishadal SO in lieu of Sri Hansda and Sri Barman are not computer hand and it will be difficulty to run such a big office smoothly after relieving both the expert hands . There is also an order of the department not to follow strictly the tenure of the official ,who are important computer hand or working as System Asstt.
This union therefore urge upon you to consider the payer of the SPM Mahishadal SO vide his letter no.H-1/Staff-Mahi/1/09/11-12 dtd 02/09/2011 for sake of public and smooth functioning of office.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

Copy to:-
1) Com. Janardan Majumdar,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,Gr-C for information.
2) Com.Manik Lal Das,SPM Mahishadal for information w.r.t his letter dtd 2/09/2011..


No- NFP-3/Misc/Corr/TMK dtd 10.9.11
Sri Ratan Mukherjee
Superintendent of Post Offices
Tamluk Division, PO- Tamluk
Subject: Transfer and Posting.
Dear Sir,
It is intimated that Smt.Shamita Maity,has been transferred posted at Bhogpur S.O vide your memo no B-22/Arrgt/Transfer posting/Tamluk-11-12 dtd 13.05.2011. We have already informed you in the monthly meeting that there will be difficulty for a lady official to work at Bhogpur SO as there is inadequate arrangement of Urinal and Toilet .
It is learnt that the said official already visited Bhogpur SO and informed her dissentment vide her letter dtd 29/08/2011 regarding the unhygienic insecure atmosphere of her new assignment specially for a lady official
In the above circumstances this union again urge upon you kindly to consider the prayer dtd 23/05/2011 and 29/08/2011 of Smt Shamita Maity, now SPM KTPP T/S and modify her place of posting to Mechada SO.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

Copy to:- 1) Com. Janardan Majumdar,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,Gr-C for information.
2) Com.Shamita Maity SPM KTPP T/S for information w.r.t her letter dtd 9/08/2011..


No- NFP-3/Misc/Corr/TMK dtd 10.9.11
Sri Ratan Mukherjee
Superintendent of Post Offices
Tamluk Division, PO- Tamluk
Subject: Work of PLI/RPLI.
Dear Sir,
It is noticed that the work of PLI/RPLI has been decentralised from CO to Divl. Unit w.e.f 01-04.2011. Department of Post issued such order for the betterment of service to the customers. But to fulfil the very purpose following points could not be avoided –
1. Manpower;-Since the creation of a post of PLI/RPLI at divl Office acceptance of RPLI was performed . The acceptance of PLI has been started w.e.f 01.04.2011. The papers in c/w other works like Maturity Auto Maturity revival Survival Benefit, Issue of Duplicate Deed/PR Book, Loan, Creation of Agency Code etc ,submitted by the insurants were forwarded to the CO For further disposal at their end. Now, all the said works under bold letter have to be performed at Divl. Level .
So, a huge workload has been imposed in addition to previous. At least 3 OAs is necessary to manage the work smoothly.
Position of the division: No such arrangement has yet been made. The pending work is increasing day by day. Staffs at Divl level /Branch level are being harassed by the member of public.
2. Accommodation: Separate accommodation is required for keeping all the papers and policies under lock and key overnight for safety and security.
Position of the division: No such arrangement has yet been made. So, the records are not kept properly. Policies and other related files are kept in open place.
3. Supervision: Proper supervision of PLI and RPLI work is required. So that OA concerned may consult and take advice regarding different rulings and procedures, whenever necessary. If we follow the similarity with the procedure of work in CO, there should be two supervisors of PLI/RPLI under the rank of The Supdt of Posts. One from administrative line, and another from general line.
Position of the division: No such arrangement has yet been made.
4. Infrastructure: At least 3 Computers with PLI/RPLI package and broadband facility are required.
Position of the division: Not yet supplied. (Only one computer has been supplied, which is used by others also).
This union therefore urge upon you to take an immediate action on the above noted points , so that staffs of this division may not face any aggravation of the insurants.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,


NFPE-TMK-Divl-Misc dated 23-8-2011

Shri R. Mukherjee
Supdt of Post Offcies
Tamluk Division, PO Tamluk-721636

Sub: Irregular facility to a specific unrecogniged union.

Dear Sir,

It is notied that you are addressing the ciculars, letters etc related to the matters of GDS officials to the Secretary,AIPEDEU and Secretary, NUPE,Group-C Union and you are entertaining the letters of the NUPE-Group-C containing the matters related to GDS. Even the matters related to the GDS officials are being taken as agenda of NUPE,Gr-C and discussed in the monthly meeting. This is highly irregular.

You are well known that NUGDS is unrecognised union and you are facilitating the NUGDS union by communicating the GDS matters to the NUPE,Gr-C union. How only a specific union of group-C cadre can deal the matters of GDS cadre. Being a Departmental Head you are acting in a biased way.

These unions therfore jointly condemn such type of act of the Divl. Head and urge upon you to stop these type of act immediately.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

Copy to:
1.Com. Janardan Majumdar,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,Gr-C
2.Com. Nirmal Dey,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,PostmanMSE&Gr-D
3. Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur,Circle Secretary,AIPEDEU for taking up the issue at appropriate level. Xerox copies of the lettes, issued by the SPOs,Tamluk Dn are attached as a prove & ready reference.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Photograph of Conference-2011

The joint Bi-enniel Conference of AIPEU,Gr-C AIPEU,MSE,Postmen&GrD AIPEDEU was successfully held at Dak-karmee Bhawan, Tamluk. The conference was started with a long procession through the heart of the city. All were astonished by seeing the huge procession despite the recent political distubences in Purba Medinipur District. The conference was inaugurated by COm Gouranga Dev maity, AGS, AIPEU,Gr-C. Com Janardan Majumdar, Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Gr-C was the Chief Guest. Many other important leaders of the Circle Union and leaders of the sisters organisation were present in the conference. The whole conference was very nice and peaceful.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Monthly Meeting on 27.07.2011

In response to our letter ,the SPOs invited us in the monthly meeting on 27.07.2011.

Any case, which can be taken as new agenda may be submitted early or intimate over phone.


Working Committee on 24.07.2011

Tamluk Divisional Branch
Dak Karmee Bhawan, PO Tamluk-721636, Dist. Purba Medinipur
NFPE-TMK-Divl. WC dated 19-7-2011


It is here by notified that an urgent joint meeting of the working committees of AIPEDEU, AIPEU, Gr-C, AIPEU, Postmen, MSE & Gr-D and PWU, Tamluk Divisional Branches will be held on 24-07-2011 Sunday at 10-00 hours to discuss over the following agenda. All Office-bearers, members of the working committees and invitees are requested to be present in the meeting in time positively.

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last working committee.
2. Review of deferred Indefinite Strike proposed to be held from 05.07.2011.
3. Preparation of Bi-ennial conference to be held on 31.07.2011 at Dak-karmee Bhawan.
4. Draft Accounts
5. Proposals for next committee, to be proposed in the Conference’2011.
6. Collection of Fund & dues of Patrika
7. Divisional Problem.
8. Building
9. Miscellaneous with permission of the chair.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (G.Ghosh)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

Copy to:
All OB, WCM, Invitees of Tamluk Divl. Branches.
All Circle Secretary, P-III /P-IV /AIPEDEU, PWU,WB Circle & invitees.
All Advisers : Com TK Sarkar, Com Pankaj Das, Com Arjun Sahoo
Dist Secy, CGCC, Purba Medinipur, Convenors, 12th July Committee, Purba Medinipur.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (G.Ghosh)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

** Meal will be arranged from 10:00 Hrs to 11:00 Hrs **

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Letter to SPOs

No- NFP/Monthly Meeting dated 12.07.2011
Shri R. Mukherjee
Supdt of Post Offices
Tamluk Division-721636

Sub:Non holding of monthly meeting.

Dear Sir,
Last monthly meeting was held with our service union on 25.02.2011. Thereafter due monthly meeting is not being held resulting accumulation of some local problems which could be settled by mutual discussion.
Therefore, you are requested to hold mothly meeting immediately.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(N C Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal)
Divl Secy. Divl Secy. Divl Secy.

Copy to:
1. Sri Janardan Majumdar, Cicle Secy, AIPEU-Gr-C for information and taking up the issues with appropriate authority at RO/CO.
2. Sri Nirmal Dey, Cicle Secy, AIPEU-Postmen,MSE&Gr-D for information and taking up the issues with appropriate authority at RO/CO.
3. Sri Bijoy Gopal Sur, Cicle Secy, AIPEDEU for information and taking up the issues with appropriate authority at RO/CO.

Bi-ennial Conference-2011

We have much pleasure to intimate that our joint bi-ennial Conference of AIPEDEU, AIPEU, Gr-C ,AIPEU, Postmen, MSE, Gr-D , Tamluk Divisional Branch federated to NFPE will be held on 31.07.2011 Sunday at 10:00 Hrs at Com Mani Basu Nagar, Dak-karmee Bhawan,Abasbarichar,Tamluk, Com Lalit Mohan Mukherjee Mancha.

All are invited in the Conference.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

4 th Phase Vote

4th phase to the Assembly Election completed peacefully. Most of the area in our Division are covered in this phase.

we congratulate all for this successful and peaceful voting.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Correspondence with SPOs regarding 'dies non' on the basis of 'No work No Pay'

Tamluk Divisional Branch
Dak Karmee Bhawan, PO Tamluk-721636, Dist. Purba Medinipur
NFPE/Movement 15.02.11
The Supdt of Post Offices
Tamluk Division-721636
Sub: Treatment of unauthorised absence due to participation on one day strike on 07.09.2010 by National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and its affiliated association AIPEDEU.
Ref: Your memo no B2/postal strike/TMK/10 dtd 10.02.2011
Dear Sir,
Kindly refer to your letter under reference, in which it is mentioned that the absence of the officials on 07.09.2010 will be treated as ‘Dies non’ invoking the principle of ‘No work No pay’. Though all the offices of Tamluk Division were closed on 07.09.2010, only the members of our union are in receipt of such letters, which is typically against the concept of ‘No work No pay’.
These unions, therefore, urge upon you to treat the day of 07.09.2010 as same like all officials. If it is noticed that the members of some particular union are being facilitated going beyond the concept of ‘No work No pay’, severe trade union activities will be initiated.
It is once again mentioned that if it is noticed that some officials are granted leave for the said period, all the members of our union will submit the leave applications (SR-1) for the 14 days strike period on the basis of your revised principle for the adjustment of the said period and payment of 14 days salary.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (RN Bhunia)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.
Copy to:
1.Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur,Circle Secretary,AIPEDEU
2.Com. Janardan Majumdar,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,Gr-C
3.Com. Nirmal Dey,Circle Secretary,AIPEU,PostmanMSE&Gr-D

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (RN Bhunia)

Submission of Memorandum to The Honble Minister of Communication.

Tamluk Divisional Branch
Dak Karmee Bhawan, PO Tamluk-721636, Dist. Purba Medinipur
NFPE/Movement 10.02.11
The Supdt of Post Offices
Tamluk Division-721636
Dear Sir,
On the call of our All India Union, our members will observe demonstration infront of your office at about 4:30 PM regarding some burning problems of GDS and contingency& casual workers. A memorandum addressed to Shri Kapil Sibal,Hon’ble Minister for Communication & IT will also be handed over to you at the end of demonstration.
This is for your kind information.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (RN Bhunia)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

working committe and conference of Postal Workers' Union

Tamluk Divisional Branch
Dak Karmee Bhawan, PO Tamluk-721636, Dist. Purba Medinipur
NFPE-TMK-Divl. WC dated 14-2-2011


It is here by notified that an urgent and extended joint meeting of the working committees of AIPEDEU, AIPEU, Gr-C, AIPEU, Postmen, MSE & Gr-D and Bi-ennial Conference of PWU, Tamluk Divisional Branches will be held on 20-02-2011 Sunday at 10-00 hours to discuss over the following agenda. All Office-bearers, members of the working committees and invitees are requested to be present in the meeting in time positively.

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last working committee.
2. Reporting of Last AIC of Gr-C union held at Pune.
3. Reporting of Circle council held at Asansol.
4. Industrial Strike held on 07.09.2010 and motto of our union.
5. Selection of Date and place of Bi-ennial conference.
5. Collection of Fund & dues of Patrika
6. Divisional Problem.
7. Building
8. Miscellaneous with permission of the chair.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (RN Bhunia)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

Copy to:
All OB, WCM, Invitees of Tamluk Divl. Branches.
All Circle Secretary, P-III /P-IV /AIPEDEU, PWU,WB Circle & invitees.
All Advisers : Com TK Sarkar, Com Pankaj Das, Com Arjun Sahoo
Dist Secy, CGCC, Purba Medinipur, Convenors, 12th July Committee, Purba Medinipur.

( NC Jana) (S S Sahoo) (P B Mondal) (RN Bhunia)
Divl.Secy, EDEU Divl. Secy,P-III Divl. Secy,P-IV Divl.Secy,PWU
Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br. Tamluk Divl. Br.

** Meal will be arranged from 10:00 Hrs to 11:00 Hrs **