It is observed that most the Postal
Divisions are running with acute shortage of staff in Postal Assistant (PA)
cadre in West Bengal. The Leave Reserve
Postal Assistant (LRPA) posts in most of the postal divisions are vacant
now. As a result, the PA working in the
single handed post offices are facing a lot of trouble getting leave in
time. Most of the P.A.s working in single handed post offices can not
even avail 8 days Casual Leave in a calendar year. Their social and personal
life is hampered badly due to this reason.
In some cases it is also observed that a single handed post office
remained closed for 2 or 3 days at a time , as the person working as SPM of
that office compel to take leave without handing over the charge to
any other PA due to non-availability of PA/LRPA , resulting closer of that
single handed post office for 2 to 3 days . That is as no LRPA can be provided
in his office due to shortage of staff, then that PA (who is working as SPM of
a single handed post office ) is forced to take (unauthorized ) leave for
his/her own treatment or to meet his/her unavoidable social / personal
obligations. The Divisional Head is well aware of this fact happening in single
handed post offices now a days. This problem is very much acute in South Bengal
Region of W.B. Circle.
In the present situation, there is very less
probability of filling up the LRPA posts in near future in post offices . So we have an alternative proposal which may be
considered for the benefit of the employees ,as well as to provide better
service to the customers of Post Offices especially single handed post offices
It any PA who is working in a single
handed Post Office seeks leave , then a
departmental PA from a nearby double or triple handed post office may be
deputed to that post office to work as
Officiating SPM of that single handed post office. A Gr-D / Postman/ GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak
, preferably GDSBPMs ) may be engaged at
that vacant post of Departmental PA in that double or triple handed post office,
from where one Departmental PA has been
deputed to a single handed Post office, to fill up the shortage (so that
customer service at that post office can not be hampered) . Such GDS may engage a nominee in his
original post , or job combination may be arranged in his original post. That GDS will also get the minimum pay and
allowance of the post of PA ( i.e. his basic pay will be 5200 + 2400= Rs. 7600 along with Dearness Allowance ) , till
he works at the post of departmental PA (i.e. for the deputation period ). All vacant post of PA may be filled in such
way engaging GDS/Postmen/ Gr-D inviting option from the eligible GDS/Postmen/
Gr-D officials. Due to higher pay and
allowances, the GDS will also be interested to work as PA . In this way , all the vacant post of PA in
all Head post offices as well as sub post offices may be filled up
immediately. But it should be ensured
that all the GDS should work under the sole supervision of a Departmental PA in
all the aforesaid post offices. The GDS
may be engaged in the SB Branch, Mail Branch, Accounts Branch …..etc related
works , but they should not be posted in the Treasury Branch or such type of
sensitive branches. The GDS should not be engaged in any Supervisory post (i.e.
SPM or APM ) in post offices. It should be ensured that a GDS may be engaged to
work in the vacant post of PA in post offices under the sole supervision of a
Departmental PA . A circular may be issued in this regard. Presently the GDS are engaged in the vacant
posts of Postman and Group D ( i.e. MTS) and get Daily Wages / Extra Cost. In the same manner, the GDS/Postmen/ Gr-D may
be engaged in the vacant post of Departmental PA and draw the Daily Wages / Extra Cost in the same way /
manner . But the GDS/Postmen/ Gr-D should not be posted / deputed in the vacant
PA post of a single handed Post office (i.e. the post of SPM in a single handed
post office ) . Other than that, they
(i.e. GDS ) may be engaged in all types of job in post office. The willing GDS/Postmen/
Gr-D may work in the vacant post of
Departmental PA with his sole risk and responsibility , and will get the
minimum pay and allowances attached to that post. The Divisional Superintendent
should have the power to engage the willing GDS/Postmen/ Gr-D in the vacant
post of Departmental PA after getting a proposal in this regard from the
concerned SPM / Post Master .
If this proposal be accepted, then many
problem in the departmental post offices will be solved immediately:-
All the works, which remains
pending in the departmental post offices due to shortage of staff, will be
updated / completed early. As a result, the customers can get better and
satisfactory customer service from the departmental sub post offices.
The existing Postal Assistants
can work with a happy mind.
The PA, who are working in
single handed post offices as SPM , can get leave easily in time whenever they
require. It will also reduce headache of Divisional Superintendents to grant
leave to a SPM of a single handed post office and making subsequent arrangement
to depute a PA at that post from nearby post offices without hampering customer
service at that post office. The incidence of closer of single handed post
offices for some days can be avoided.
The Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)
will also be benefited getting better salary working in the vacant posts of PA cadre.
All the works related to post
offices will be updated quickly. So the Circle Office / Regional Office can get
any type of report quickly whenever they require from the Divisional
Heads. The works in respect of CBS (Core
Banking Solutions) can be started early in near future , if all records/
works of a post office remain updated /
Better accountability can be expected from the GDS officials regarding their work in the vacant post of
departmental PA, which can not be expected from the DRMs (Daily Rated Mazdoors
) presently engaged in many post offices. As the
GDS are working in this department , so they usually do not try to
misappropriate anything / any record for sake of safety of their service. The
same accountability and responsibility
can not be expected from some unemployed youths, who are presently engaged as DRM in many departmental post offices
and working in post office counters.
a GDS can work in the vacant post of Postman or Gr. D (i.e. MTS). A departmental PA can work in the vacant post
of Inspector as officiating SDI(P). So a
willing GDS/Postmen/ Gr-D should not be prohibited to work in the vacant
post of Departmental PA . Please give them this opportunity changing the
present rules and regulations in this regard for the sake of better customer
service in post offices as well as for the benefit of staff side.
Sirshendu Sundar Sahoo
Divisional Secretary
Tamluk Division
P.O-Tamluk -721636